Home Men's and women's mannequins Ghost mannequins for E-commerce photos Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head
- 10 %
Made in Italy
Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head

Super articulated modular woman mannequin with egg-head

Available | 10 days
760.00 €
- 10 %
685.00 € + VAT
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Super articulated modular woman mannequin made in Italy in expanded polypropylene, a material similar to polystyrene but much more resistant. 

The high manufacturing quality makes the mannequin easy to handle and suitable for all the needs of your shop thanks to the articulated joints with magnetic coupling. This mannequin in fact, has some features that make it extremely practical, such as: light and recyclable material extremely flexible high handling.

The proposed mannequin has a "V" cut on the chest and has the particularity of being "invisible" under clothing, makes it perfect for photos and internet e-commerce catalogs.

The mannequin is designed for attachment behind the back, can wear any type of footwear and is supplied with a 28x38 cm rectangular base in black painted steel. 


Size Height Breast/Chest Life Flanks Shoulder Shoes Neck Head
42 175 82 64 92 40 37 37 53
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